Volleyball Season Is Here! It is going to be a JAWSOME Year!
Sept 15/16 - JV Girls in Vermillion
Sept 22/23 - JV Boys In Red Water
Oct 13/14 - JV Girls in Kitscoty - JV Boys in Lloydminster
Oct 20/21 - Mini Wow Pow Tournament at JAWS
Oct 27/28 - SR. Wow Pow at JAWS
Nov 3/4 - Glendon Tournament
Nov 6-9 - 1 day Districts Tournament
FEES for JV Volleyball
$265 plus $100 Athletic Fundraiser Fee (Each athlete will be required to sell 5 Community Discount Cards at $20 each - students will pay the $100 fee for the 5 cards and will recollect their $100 from selling the cards)
Sept 15/16 - Ft. McMurray
Sept 22/23 - St. Paul
Oct 13/14 - Plamondon
Oct 27/28 - SR. Wow Pow at JAWS
Nov 3/4 - Cold Lake
Nov 17/18 - Ft. McMurray (Zones)
FEES for JV Volleyball
$330 plus $100 Athletic Fundraiser Fee (Each athlete will be required to sell 5 Community Discount Cards at $20 each - students will pay the $100 fee for the 5 cards and will recollect their $100 from selling the cards)