Learning Commons


A Learning Commons (Library Space) is an inclusive flexible, learner-centered, physical and/or virtual space for collaboration, inquiry, imagination and play to expand and deepen learning.

We strive to provide a friendly, welcoming, safe space for all students at JAWS.  Some benefits with our Learning Commons space are; signing out fiction & non-fiction resources, textbooks, English study novels, Chromebooks, scientific calculators and headsets.  Our 1100 sq ft space is designed to allow quiet reading/studying space with comfortable seating for individuals or several round tables which accommodate group project/discussion work.

Our Learning Commons can also facilitate students who wish to earn work experience credits, comfortably work on Distance Learning Ed. Courses, meet with staff who spearhead extracurricular groups, create art/draw and take a ‘Brain Break’ at our ‘Makerspace’ nook or, gather with friends at noon to play many of our available card & board games.