School Supply Lists

School Supply Lists
School supply lists vary from class to class at the high school level. The only requirements are pens, HB pencils, and some type of binder with lined paper for each course.
However, you must see your course outlines for specialized materials required in certain classes, such as art supplies in Art or Native Arts classes, a special calculator (TI-80, TI-83, or equivalent graphing calculator) in certain Mathematics classes. Also, while not required, it is recommended students have the following items:
3-Ring Binders
College-ruled loose-leaf
HB Pencils
Pencil Sharpener
Pens: Blue or Black
TI-80 or TI-83 calculator (only for Math 10C, Math 20-1, Math 20-2, Math 30-1, Math 30-2, Math 31)
Geometry set
Graphing paper
Tape-style whiteout
Plus a second set of clean running shoes for the gym
Again, we ask that you come to school prepared with a binder, lined paper, pencils and pens on the first day of school. That first day teachers will let you know if more supplies are needed for that particular course. We find this will offer a more accurate list of what is needed and parents won’t be buying unnecessary supplies.